
Still Saturday...

Well, I haven't gone to sleep yet, so to me it's still Saturday. Work is just shy of obscenely insane, but, hey, it's good work, and it pails fairly well, and the benefits can't be beat...which is good because when I eventually lose my mind, my extended funny farm visit will be fully covered.

I'm back on my diet, which is a good thing. I have a 2lb/week goal until UWC, and think I can do it. I also need to exercise, big time. Susie's sending me a tricked out pedometer, and I really have no excuse not to use it... I need to take the baby for walks more often, the fresh air will be good for him, and the movement will be good for me. Maybe this afternoon will be a good time to go as a family or something, just a walk around the block... We live on a good block, in a good neighborhood... So no excuses.

My feet are so sore... That pedometer really would have been interesting to have at work... I wonder how many miles I trekked tonight? The floor really had me hopping. I don't like working short, it seems like no Matter what you do I feel like I'm perpetually working harder, but not smarter. I think it's the insane time crunch. 8 hours work with no time to pee really sucks.

Morning meal was bologna, fried egg and some bacon. I wonder how long it'll take me to get into ketosis. I love the initial super drop of water weight... And if I work smarter (not harder) I should fairly easily surpass my goal. I think today is a good point to start counting calories again, Sunday being my preferred weigh day, but only after I nap... I retain water at work... Must be the lack of peeing. I guess I should make up the lack of water here at home, seeing that I sweat at work like nobodies business. Maybe that's why I don't pee... /shrug

Ok, nap time for mamas.

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Keep on Truckin'

Hey wild and wooly world of post nano

It's been a little nuts lately, but I think that's par for the course. I think I'm going to attempt to keep this at a tues/thurs/sat schedule... and I know I've said it before.. but right now, at this stage in life, I need a dear diary.

So... where am I standing?

Okay, well, long story short, I hit the 50k I needed to win nano, slight problem though is that I still need about 10k more words to finish the story... editing will probably bring it down to the 45-50k range.. even I know a lot of it is fluff.

I've been having some family issues, some good, some not so good. Little Man turned 1 right around T-day... so, that's good! On the flip side of the coin, his Grandpa has been in and out of the hospital all month.  It's wearing me out. I kinda feel like a bad kid because I can't get to go see him as much as I want to, but I do what I can, ya know?

Back to the writing... I still have to finish. GoogleDrive isn't a great option on the android right now, probably because of the length of the novel... I heard that around 10k words is it's functional limit. Here's hoping they fix it somehow. On the iPad, it's much better- and is very functional for writing on the fly.  The keyboard interface is okay if not a bit small for my hands (which aren't very large to start with), so I find myself hunt and pecking doing the incredibly slow two finger thing, which I hate to do. Touch-typing all the way for me!! I just found swiftkey on the android, and it's the best keyboard I've used hands down. LOVE it! Swype is good... but man, I am SO much faster on swiftkey, where I think I'll actually go and buy the whole thing.

okay, I'm almost done with my super hot cocoa, so I'm gonna go and cut this short.
I'm going to pop more of the unedited novel up into the read page eventually, but I know it needs some serious edits.


Chapter 4! DONE (all 26 pages of it... whoa!)

Yeah, life's been getting in the way, but I've made a little headway in the story. We're just finished with chapter 4, aka the grand tour of the island and the peeps who make it so cool.

Chapter 5 deals with some very special cargo...  Very excited to start touching on this! Finally getting to the meat of the story and all. Yay!


Chapter 3: Done!

Heyas folkies

Banged out chapter 3 as well tonight, or well, very early this morning.

12694 words down, 37306 to go.. nearly there.

I think i'm gonna go over... maybe. Actually, I'm thinking I'm gonna be sitting in 'long short story' once I edit the tar outta this later.

I have a solid(ish) outline. I'm actually futzing with it just a little...Actually... i futzed a bit with the end, and I'm really happy with where I'm going.

Here's hoping I remember to take my keyboard with me to work...

Chapter 2: Done!

Yep, another day another chapter.

This one was a short one, but that's okay.. not every chapter has to be a gazillion pages long. Even though it was short, it was nice and action packed. I'm hoping that it was a good read, I wrote most of it tipsy.

Below the cut is some personal stuff, and the language is a little coarser than what I usually put out in the open. Caution to anyone who decides to go there.


Chapter 1: Done!

That's right baby!

Chapter 1 is complete. I actually didn't split it into two pieces. It still flowed pretty well though.

Starting Chapter 2 in a little while. I need to get some serious writing done tonight. I have a goal tonight to knock out 3-4k words tonight.

Time to throw the coffee liquor into the freezer.


Chapter 1

Well, I'm well into chapter 1, but I think I want to change how I've got the chapters broken up. Where I'm at now ( which can be found on the tab above) is a natural cutting off point. I'm probably going to rename it, and use the current title for the next chapter.

For now though, I think some rest is in order.

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Prologue is up. Just click the tab up on top. I'll change it to the current chapter in progress as it goes on.

I apologize in advance, I can't promise daily updates but I'll try!

Home Sweet Home

Hello blog-land.

I apologize for not posting the last week- we've had that bitch of a storm to contend with. I was stuck with my in-laws for 4 days, and just got home today.

Started NaNo yesterday (that'd be the 1st) and banged out 700ish words on the ipad. Painful painful. I think my wireless keyboard is coming with from now on for portable use. Tonight, I did another 3600. Significantly less painful.

The prologue is done. At least I think it's done. I want to pad it in places and pare it down in more spots. Its got a metric shitload of fluff going on, but should be interesting. It'll probably end up being a long short story by the time editing is done. I'll go back to it if there's time, but it's looking doubtful at this point.

I'll be popping the story in its entirety in the page(s?)  for it. I have to figure out how to do that logically.

Ok, peace be with ya.


Day 4 of five

Well, like the title says, I'm here at work yet again, but significantly less tired- got a good nap in yesterday. The kidlet spent his time at his aunts house in the morning and since he's not feeling 100% he ended up playing for a while then fell asleep pretty darn quickly. I thought that he'd be down for an hour or so... I woke up 3 hours later when the hubbs told me it was time to go to work.
Somehow the crap junk food I ate for lunch doesn't feel as bad because I skipped a meal... The crap though was pure pure sweet sugar though. Suckage. Wouldn't it be great if they made a self control pill or something?
And, last, since its break time, I'm going to work a little more on that outline. We're coming up on a little under 6 days to go, and I'd like to get it straight before then.
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Well, I got a lot of the outline worked on today... Progress at least, but its a pretty bare skeleton so far. Hoping to add some serious flesh tonight.

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Pasta Data? is that anything like Copy Pasta?

Well, I just didn't realize the time, so this gets to be dated for yesterday (which means, yes, you one follower, you get treated to 2 posts today, instead of 1!!)

Today was a day of shopping and sleeping. Bought some offal, cooked some offal... Destunk the kitchen (I hope. Beef kidney STINKS! Next time we do lamb.)

And now going to bake, and outline. We're on a real time crunch now... Especially since I challenged Migs (who I'm not sure will do nano) and Amy (who's signed up and ready to go.) I'm betting I won't win, but I got a nice strong story idea this time.  The PoHo's think they know it.. nah. They've only seen the veneer on top... all the good stuff though, is on the inside.

Kinda like tonewood on a uke, I s'pose.

Ok, time for me to start baking- got a cake to bake and some cabbage to braise.


Niblets o' wisdom

All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances...

--William Shakespeare.


Everybody's workin' for the weekend.


Very little got done today unfortunately. Here's hoping for a quiet night at work. Might get some more done. I think I'm going to very coarsely set the outline, then as time permits, throw some flesh on dem bones.

Nap time now...pretty tired Pre work.

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More fleshing out the outline

Chilling out in my bed, trying to figure out where I'm going, and what I'm doing with this story. I finally figured out how the three individual parties get to the island. Now's the hard part... What do they see and what do they do there. What I've got so far, I'm calling part one.

I'm also considering that most of them will never leave, and those that do will learn a shitload more about themselves. That'd be part two.

I'm anticipating a many years down the road reunion, which would possibly be part three.

I think the epilogue should be lore/ backstory related... Like a guide to the truth to the history of the island.

These little blog sessions really do help me flesh this out. Good thing, because we're about t-minus 13 days out from d-day.

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Plot hooks and angles

I decided today during my outline session that I'd use three different  storylines, and merge them later. I think this is the real practical beauty of outlining, because if it sucks, you can do a very early revision, and get it to slow right from the start.

I'm getting a little fantasy island vibe though. I'm hoping to cut it with enough futurism and sci-fi to cut the magic down later on. A girl can hope!

So far the three angles I'm thinking of are the earned, the winners, and the escapees. Very different groups, with very different stories to tell. I might add a stow away, but that might overlap with the escapees. The stow away might be where the main story is though.


Write Drunk, Edit Sober

Hastily stolen, but found at: wineharlots.com

I think these are by far the best words of wisdom for nanowrimo. If you're not into drinking, honestly, just throw your inhibitions out the window- writing is supposed to be free. Hell, you don't actually have to show anyone what you've written, unless you want to. 

Someone (ok, ok, it was Bunny Bennett.) posted to tumblr something really awesome about letting other people look at your writings- lemmie go and find it:

"...but still…the tingling you get from someone interpreting your words..."

This struck a chord with me, because it's exactly how I feel about these things. When someone reads your work, it is a little anxiety maybe, but a lot of excitement. Almost like when someone you care about sees you nekked (that would be nude, for the purposes of doing no good,) for the first time. Its a little freaky but a lot exhilarating.

Okay then, back to the grind, still working on the outline, little bits at a time. Warming up for the Marathon known as November.


Gah, we're doing it again..

Yep, another round of 'There is no try, only do.'

Except, there will be a lot of try, and hopefully a lot of do. (that'd be do the writing, not doo. Eew.)

I have about 2 weeks to finish my outline. I'm hoping it doesn't borrow too much from the Callahan's Crosstime Saloon books. I think they're my inspiration this round.

The topic is about historic Nutland. The Uke Crew knows about it, now the rest of the world can too. Maybe an adventure or 2.

More to come.