
Chapter 2: Done!

Yep, another day another chapter.

This one was a short one, but that's okay.. not every chapter has to be a gazillion pages long. Even though it was short, it was nice and action packed. I'm hoping that it was a good read, I wrote most of it tipsy.

Below the cut is some personal stuff, and the language is a little coarser than what I usually put out in the open. Caution to anyone who decides to go there.

I think I've drank more this week than perhaps the entire last quarter (and that's including my cousins wedding, where I do admit I got slightly shitfaced at.)

I admit it, I'm really fucking depressed. Not clinical I don't think, I'm betting that anyone in my situation would be fucking depressed too.

I'm broke as sin because I had to replace the food in my house today that I lost in the storm during the outage.

Gotta count the blessings where they may lie... I still have some booze and I got in a nice helping of fresh veg today.

My dad and my best friend are in the hospital. My best friend is going through something so catastrophic I don't know what to do say or think. If it was me, I'd be in the funny farm. She's so much stronger than I think I'd ever be. I've spent the better part of the last few days crying and holding my son. I feel ashamed to admit it, but there it is. If it were me, I'd die. Plain and simple.

Dad on the other hand is a stubborn bastard, and is still really sick. He's a bit better but still looks like shit.

Ok, another blessing... um, I have heat and power and running water that's safe to drink.

I know I'm so ahead of the curve lately, but I'm just so down. It fucking sucks and it's just not fair.

I'm gonna have another drink, and I'm gonna write till I feel sober, then I'm going to bed. It might be a while.

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